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The win-win mindset

In this XXIst century, intending to sell through persuasion is totally outdated. In the B2C the win-to-win strategy is working very well: they don't sell you stuff anymore, now you want the advantages of that specific product in your life, so you make a win by buying it. On the other hand, in the B2B scope this approach is being used effectively too: you don't have suppliers or distributors, you must do partners, and when you have many, you have to create a partner community; partners obtain benefits for supplying you or for distributing your products, it's a win-to-win.

However, this mindset is mostly used towards the outside and hardly ever implemented within the company phylosophy. Many employers are failing to provide a real win to their workers. Just a few see the advantage of providing a win-to-win opportunity to their workers internally. Like Henry Ford, who was the first North-American business man who implemented a 5-day work week (40 hours) and decided to increase all the salaries in his companies, so that his workers would have both time and money to buy new cars!

Are you a company owner or a general manager and find it hard to provide with win-to-win opportunities without jeopardizing your profits? At IBCC we can help you create a value proposition that your workers will appreciate.

Would you like to be given win-to-win opportunities where you work? Let us know your opinion here below (leave a comment, please). Thank you in advanced!

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